We No matter what face is being shown publicly, inwardly the thought and feeling of fear surfaces from time to time.

The cause of the fear has many faces; it could be fear of others seeing the fear. Or it could be fear of death, or the fear of failure, fear of being alone, fear of hell, fear of suffering, fear of loosing a home, fear of loosing a job, fear of the inability to provide for your family, fear of being rejected by others, or an unlimited number of other fear causing thoughts.

The good news is that there is a immediate way to be free from all fears and it is always present. First of all you must realize that the fear is a direct result of the concept that you have of yourself.

Our minds have been conditioned from birth to accept that this body, mind, person is the real us. Very few have ever questioned or have been questioned about this concept and teaching. We automatically accept it as truth and live the rest of our lives as though it is a fact.

We then teach our children the same concepts and as you can see, world wide, “PEOPLE” are at war with each other.

How can you discover that you are not this limited mind (thoughts) body, person that is destine to die?

Answer: by placing your attention inwardly on that which is witnessing or perceiving your mind (thoughts) body, person as well as all other phenomenons that continuously come and go.

The experience of this discovery alone will automatically dissolve all fears…Discover the real you…19